
Satsuki is a Taiwanese/American photographic artist whose borderless work explores untamed, powerful landscapes. Her interest lies in the often overlooked moments of silence found in the expansiveness of nature. As she likes to say: “You just have to be present.”

Layered by the outdoors, travel surf, and adventure moments, Satsuki’s work is centered around the philosophy of unobtrusive documentation of her subjects’ stories and the quiet moments that speak volumes.

Exploring the farthest expanses of the globe, Satsuki considers herself a traveler; not a tourist.  By connecting with local people and immersing herself in their culture, Satsuki discovers intimate details and lives of her subjects. Her photos are imbued with these experiences. This is something earned, not found. Her aim is to bring an awareness and understanding that we are not so different once you remove scenery and circumstance.

Currently based in Mexico.

Selected fine art works available in limited editions.